Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Friends and family of imprisoned pro-lifers react to this week’s sentences in DC

Seven of the “D.C. Nine” jailed pro-lifers were sentenced on May 14 and 15 to additional prison time for their roles in a traditional rescue at a late-term abortion center. LifeSiteNews journalist Louis Knuffke, who has been extensively covering the trial and sentencing of these pro-life heroes, interviews friends and family of some of those […]

Some not Vatican news notes

Today things keep rolling along and I, uncharacteristically, am paying some attention. In regard to the terrific speech that Harrison Buttker made for commencement at Benedictine College, as the lib world has a spittle-flecked nutty, I was sent these two … Read More →

Synodal Way Isn’t Answer to Germany’s ‘Mission Country’ Status, Evangelization Leaders Say

Odd Anderson Chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference Georg Bätzing addresses guests during the annual St Michael reception of the Catholic Church in Germany, in Berlin on September 4, 2023. Catholic leaders of evangelization efforts in Germany agree with Bishop Bätzing’s recent diagnosis of the country’s spiritual quandary, but disagree with the approach Church leadership […]

Pro-Lifers Rally in London Amid Consideration of Abortion Amendments

Dan Kitwood Representatives from the whole pro-life movement and their supporters gather to demonstrate in Parliament Square on May 15, 2024 in London, England. The second amendment by member of Parliament Stella Creasy includes proposals to decriminalize abortion up to the 24th week for any party involved.