Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Italy: Bambino Gesù Hospital Celebrates Its 100th Anniversary

On February 20, 1924, the Salviati family donated to the Holy See the Bambino Gesù hospital which they had founded in 1869. It became the largest polyclinic and the largest pediatric research center in Europe. Child victims of war are regularly welcomed there for treatment.

Amazon: The Church Challenged by Evangelical Sects

In 2024 in the Amazon, as elsewhere in Latin America, the Catholic Church is in clear decline compared to the evangelical sects. The result of decades lost wandering through the twists and turns of an ecumenism and an aggiornamento that fall more under the great illusion of the springtime of the Church.

Come Holy Ghost!

On this eve of the feast of Pentecost, the traditional novena to the Holy Ghost asking for an abundant outpouring of His gifts comes to an end. An ancient Sequence recalls the effects of His action on souls. We can recite it to help spread these gifts of the Holy Ghost over the whole Church.

Europe: Bishops Invite People to Vote to Defend the “European Project”

In the run-up to the European elections which will take place in June 2024, the bishops of the Commission of Episcopates in the European Union (COMECE) have published two documents. In a March 12 joint declaration they called on European citizens for “a responsible vote encouraging Christian values and the European project.”

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Enters the Gaza Strip

A press release from the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, dated May 16, 2024, announced that, for the first time since the attack of October 7, 2023, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa has entered Gaza.

The Gifts of the Holy Ghost (1)

As the Church and her children prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost, FSSPX.News offers a better way to discover these seven gifts granted by the goodness of God to our soul to sanctify it. In this first article we will discover why this sanctification bears the name of gift or spirit.

A Conclave in a Time of Fraught Geopolitics

The next conclave will probably be unlike any other, except for the immutable rites. But beyond the usual predictions about the papabili mentioned by the press, what influence will global geopolitics exert on the election of the next pope?

Patriarch Raï: The EU’s Position Is Paving the Way for Criminals

The Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Béchara Boutros Raï, on May 12, 2024, attacked those European countries which refuse to “cooperate with Lebanon” to resolve the Syrian migrants issue. He believes that “they are paving the way for criminals and terrorists.”