Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Be prepared for another ‘long hot summer’…

Do you remember the “long hot summer” of 1967, when racial violence broke out in the inner cities all across the US? Then the following year there melees in the streets of Chicago when the Democratic Party held its national convention there. One more year brought waves of campus unrest, with student agitators shutting down […]

La Leche League goes woke and embraces ‘chestfeeding’…

Is having children “liberal” or “conservative”? Obviously, that question is way too simplistic for the complicated age in which we live, so let’s be more specific. OK, is it “conservative” for a husband and wife to have, oh, four or more children? If you have followed birth-rate trends in American culture in recent decades, you […]

Criticize Harrison Butker all you want. Homemaking is back…..

Harrison Butker touched a live wire in his recent commencement address at Benedictine College. The place kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs violated one of the strongest taboos in America. He used the H-word: homemaking. During the May 11 speech, Butker said he wanted to speak directly to the women “who have had the most […]

Talitha Kum celebrates 15th anniversary

Over 200 Talitha Kum delegates representing member networks located in 90 countries gather in Rome from 18-24 May for Talitha Kum’s 2nd General Assembly which also marks its 15th anniversary of foundation. Read all