Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Daily Rome Shot 1025: Symmetry and thanks

This image, friends, warms my beady black heart. These are the vestments which some of YOU readers commissioned for Ss. Trinità in Rome. All set up and ready for the priests in the mornings of the Octave of Pentecost. Thank … Read More →

Never start a homily with these 4 words

A surefire way to lose your congregation is to start a homily with “In today’s Gospel reading,” says Thomas Groome. “The purpose of good preaching,” he says, “is to bring our lives to God and God to our lives.” A homilist’s job, then, is to facilitate a meaningful conversation between the two.

‘The Fall Guy’ tries pulling a stunt, but trips over its ambitions

Behind every great artist is the person who does all the actual work. For instance, no pop star born outside Liverpool has ever written their own songs. Dostoyevsky used to compose his novels by pacing the floor and dictating to his wife, who would transcribe and shape his rants into a narrative that would pay […]

Dale Ahlquist: Coming Home to the Catholic Social Teaching…

“G.K. Chesterton wrote about everything. He defended God against a godless society, defended Christianity specifically against other religions and then ended up defending the Catholic faith against, well, everything else,” said Dale Ahlquist, author of six books, editor of 16 more, public speaker, Evangelical convert to Catholicism and Catholic apologist…

Catholic reactions to the reactionary reactions against Harrison Butker

Reactions to Harrison Butker’s commencement speech abound.   Today there are couple of note. First, at Crisis is a piece by Paul Kengor:  “Hell’s Fury for Harrison Butker” subtitled: “If you’re sick of the bullying thugs of cancel culture, then stand with Harrison … Read More →