Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope urges New Horizons Community to safeguard its charism (Vatican News)

Pope Francis has sent a video message (Italian text) to Chiara Amirante, foundress of the New Horizons Community, commemorating the 30th anniversary of its founding. “I greet first of all Chiara, who has been chosen by the Lord to carry forward this movement, this breath of the Spirit that has awakened so many consciences,” the […]

Investigation finds no misconduct by Canadian Cardinal Lacroix

The Holy See Press Office reports that the preliminary canonical investigation regarding an anonymous accusation against Canadian Cardinal Gérald Lacroix, Archbishop of Québec, has not found “any actions that amount to misconduct or abuse” and therefore “no further canonical procedure is foreseen.” Read all  

Against Arbitrary Liturgy

Writing this column in early May, I am aware of three very ancient feasts that are not being celebrated this year even in most Latin Mass communities: the Finding or Invention of the Holy Cross on May 3, St. John Before the Latin Gate on May 6, and the Apparition of St. Michael (at Italy’s […]

Conservatives Clinging to Christ

Why does the pope think so poorly of us? Conservative Catholics, that is, whom he maligns on a regular basis, accusing us, as he did most recently in an interview on 60 Minutes, of being “closed up inside a dogmatic box.” We’ve got this “suicidal attitude,” he tells us, the result of forever clinging to […]

Pope sends condolences for death of Iranian president, foreign minister

ROME – Pope Francis Monday sent condolences to Iran following a helicopter crash that claimed the lives of President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahain, assuring of his prayers for their families and the nation. In the telegram, the pope said, “I send condolences upon the deaths of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein […]

Jerusalem Patriarch deplores extent of destruction in Gaza

Gaza/Jerusalem (KNA) According to the Latin Patriarch, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the city of Gaza is partly destroyed beyond recognition. The biggest problems for the civilian population, apart from the ongoing war, are medical care, the hygienic situation and the distribution of humanitarian aid, the Italian religious said on Monday in Jerusalem. He had previously visited […]

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage a ‘year of missionary sending’

NEW YORK – At one point of a May 18 eucharistic procession in New Haven, Connecticut, amid a light rain, Archbishop Christopher Coyne of Hartford said he remembers pausing, turning around, and witnessing a great parade of 600-700 people behind him. “It was very, very impressive,” Coyne told Crux. That procession and the Pentecost Vigil […]