Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

EXCLUSIVE: China Expert Discusses Latest Book, Personal Experience in Communist China

PDF Button Last week, I was blessed to interview Steven Mosher, longtime president of the Population Research Institute and expert on China, about his latest book, The Devil and Communist China (TAN Books, 2024). We discussed the spread of Communism into China from Soviet Russia, Mao Zedong’s rise to power and long reign of terror, […]

Feeling Hopeless? Try Saint Rita’s Powerful Prayer for Impossible Cases

Saint Rita of Cascia is such a powerful intercessor! The feast of Saint Rita is May 22. She is the patroness of impossible causes, difficult marriages, infertility, and parenthood. This amazing saint led an incredibly holy life. She married a cruel and abusive man, whom she prayed for unceasingly. She had two difficult children with him. […]

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy…

I can remember, from my boyhood in the 1950s, when normal business was suspended on Sundays, the stores would close, and most people would (if only for the sake of a kind of cultural propriety) “go to Church”. And I can remember also when the stores began to be open on Sundays, and how over […]

The Gifts of the Holy Ghost (4): The Gift of Knowledge

While the Church and her children celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Ghost during this octave of Pentecost, FSSPX.News offers an opportunity to discover a little better these seven gifts granted by God’s goodness to our souls in order to sanctify them. After meditating on the gifts of understanding and wisdom, we come to the […]

The 2024 Olympics Illustrate the Erasure of Christianity

By erasing the cross surmounting the dome of Les Invalides on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games poster, the Organizing Committee for the global event which is to be held in France highlights, perhaps without realizing it, the collapse of the Catholic framework of France. 

Pentecost Wednesday: Peter’s shadow

Pentecost Wednesday: Ember Day Another Octave ramble which might have a couple of surprises. Back in the day, 5th c or so, Pentecost was enriched with an Octave, thus extending the festal character of the great feast. For a while … Read More →

Chicago Priest Blesses Lesbian Couple

A priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago has officiated at a homosexual blessing that looked very much like a wedding — with no sanction! Watch the full analysis of this blessing — completely against the Catholic Church — and more, unfiltered and uncensored, on the LSNTV app: Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on […]