Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Invoking John Paul the Great

Gerard Julien Pope John Paul II prays Oct. 11, 1998 at Saint Peters square during the ceremony making Edith Stein a saint. COMMENTARY: St. John Paul II, pray for us!

Invoking John Paul the Great

ROME. Age certainly accelerates one’s sense of the passage of time. Well do I remember high school classes that felt as long as Würm Glaciation, the minute hand circumambulating the clock’s perimeter at a glacial pace. […]

ICC arrest warrants: law and war

Karim Khan, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, believes that Israel is violating the law by deliberately targeting civilians in the Gaza Strip. The decision is an essential test for the international community, where democracies defend an order based on universal principles and rules.

ICC prosecutor Karim Khan takes on the “Goliaths” of the world

Karim Khan seeks an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister. The British lawyer has defended victims in former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, served as a war crimes defense attorney, and investigated ISIS crimes before joining the International Criminal Court.

In Africa, a massive project creates the illusion of reforestation

Launched at the end of 2015, the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative aims to restore 319 million acres of degraded land in Africa. Behind the project supported by billionaire Jeff Bezos, researchers point to counterproductive effects on climate and biodiversity.

South Africa: Bishop Rodrigues calls for peaceful and fair elections

Ahead of the scheduled 29 May general elections in South Africa, the liaison Bishop for the Department of Catholic Social Action of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) has called on eligible voters to choose leaders with ethical and moral values Read all