Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Humility is the ‘gateway to all virtues,’ pope says

Though not found on the classical list of cardinal or theological virtues, humility lies “at the base of Christian life,” Pope Francis said. “Whereas pride and arrogance swell the human heart, making us appear to be more than we are, humility restores everything to its correct dimension,” he said. Human beings are “are wonderful creatures, […]

Pope praises ecumenism in talk to Hong Kong group (Vatican Press Office)

Speaking on May 22 to a delegation from the Hong Kong Christian Council, Pope Francis recalled the ecumenical approach of the late Orthodox Bishop Zizioulas, who said that the world’s Christians will only come fully together in faith at the Last Judgment, but “in the meantime we must pray together and work together.”

Pope contrasts palliative care, euthanasia (Vatican Press Office)

Speaking to participants in a Vatican conference on palliative care, Pope Francis stressed the difference between palliative care and euthanasia. Palliative care, the Pontiff said, is “above all a concrete sign of closeness and solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are suffering.” He described euthanasia as “a failure of love, a reflection of the […]