Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

What the Council Fathers intended about Latin. v. What we got.

What the Council Fathers intended about Latin. v. What we got. Peter K links to a piece at NLM: Fr. Gabriel Díaz-Patri, researching the debates at Vatican II on Latin in the liturgy, demonstrates that the Council Fathers were told … Read More →

Daily Rome Shot 1033

The World’s Best Sacristan™ sent me a little video of entering the church, so I found some photos and zipped it up with music by Domenico Zipoli who in 1715 was the organist at the Jesuits great Church in Rome, … Read More →

Daily Rome Shot 1034

Never mind about the inaccuracies in the audio, this is great. Corpus Christi Procession in St. Peter’s Square with Pope Pius XII, in the Holy Year of 1950. Also in procession is the Corporal of Bolsena, which contains the blood … Read More →

Explaining what Francis really meant, etc.

A few items caught my eye… First, I’ve been reading the explanations of what Francis really meant to say when he explicitly complained that in Italian seminaries there was excessive “faggotry” and that “fags/queers” (checche) shouldn’t be in seminary, even … Read More →

More on Confirmation and quizzing

A little while ago, I posted about bishops quizzing and slapping confirmands.  In that post I had the responses of several bishops about their experiences and practices.  HERE One of my correspondents (and fellow ham) who attends an SSPX chapel … Read More →

Feminists will not like this

At the Italian news agency ANSA we find out a little more about what Francis has said to the gathering of priests of the Diocese of Rome ordained during the last 10 years, some 150. The Pope, ‘chattering is women’s … Read More →

Our Greatest Pilgrim Poet?

When T.S. Eliot won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948, it was not on the strength of the plays he had written that determined the choice of the Committee in Stockholm. Leaving aside Murder in the Cathedral, his moving dramatization of the death by martyrdom of Thomas Beckett, which came out in 1935, he’d […]