Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Wednesday within the Octave of Corpus Christi   

Editor’s note: to promote the observance of the traditional Corpus Christi Octave as a part of our Crusade of Eucharistic Reparation, we will publish each day the Patristic readings from the Octave, as contained in pre-55 breviaries. The following readings and responsories come from the Roman office as promulgated after Trent in 1570. V. Grant, […]

Court Maneuvers

Editor’s Note: This article continues the author’s previous commentary as published in “By Summer, Two new Abortion Rulings.” Is the Supreme Court seeking a judicial middle ground in the abortion wars—a stance that pleases and displeases pro-lifers and pro-choicers alike, although for opposite reasons?  If so, two pending cases could provide opportunity for it to […]

Blessings Among Crosses

It was the spring of 2013, and my wife and I were returning home from a visit with our daughter and her family. While waiting for our ferry to arrive, I noticed my wife’s left calf was very swollen and red in color. I asked her about it, and she said she thought she pulled […]

You Should Like Your Neighbor

Charity is the greatest of the theological virtues (1 Corinthians 13:13).  This is because it is the only theological virtue that remains in heaven.  Once we see God face to face, we no longer need faith or hope.  But our friendship with God remains.  Charity is even better than is often realized; it is a […]

Carlo Acutis and Eucharistic miracles like you have NEVER seen before…..

One of the primary missions of Bl. (soon to be St.) Carlo Acutis was promoting 158 Eucharistic miracles that have occurred around the world. He spent the final years of his life creating a website and a panel display that are still very popular. Today we are announcing a NEW comic book series inspired by […]

The Abortion Industry Owes Its Success to the Proliferation of Feminism…

Since the triumphant end of Roe v. Wade two years ago this June, pro-lifers have suffered loss after political loss. Capitalizing on this pro-abortion tsunami, Democrats just announced a $100 million commitment to push abortion in an effort to win back the House of Representatives. On the state level, efforts to liberalize abortion laws continue […]