Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Mexican bishops congratulate country’s president-elect 

The cathedral church of Mexico City, the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, in the historic center of the city, is seen here on May 29, 2024, during the closing campaign rally of the country’s victorious presidential candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum. / Credit: Wikimedia Commons ACI Prensa Staff, Jun […]

China-Vatican: The Strange Desire of the Holy See to be Fooled (2)

During the conference organized in Rome to celebrate the centenary of the first Council of the Chinese Catholic Church in 1924, Bishop Shen Bin, declared Bishop of Shanghai by the Chinese government, gave a conference–analyzed in the previous article–which shows how this ecclesiastic, a member of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CPA), is a pure […]

Will There Be an African Resistance to the October 2024 Synod? (2)

Questioned on the KTO channel on March 17, 2024, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) and president of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SCEAM), returned to the Fiducia supplicans declaration authorizing the blessing of same-sex couples.

China-Vatican: The Strange Desire of the Holy See to be Fooled (3)

The first two articles presented two Chinese delegates to the conference on the 100th anniversary of the First Chinese Council, held in Rome on May 21: Joseph Shin Ben, Bishop of Shanghai, vice-president of the Patriotic Association of Chinese Catholics (APCC) and Professor Zheng Xiaojun.

The Openly Contested Pontifical Academy for Life

The second International Conference on Bioethics was held in Rome on May 17 and 18, 2024. On this occasion, one of the speakers expressed strong criticism of the Pontifical Academy for Life due to repeated positions moving away from the traditional morality of the Church.

1094: SHOCKING! Pope Francis Writes LGBT Preface to James Martin’s book [Podcast]

Pope Francis has personally written the preface to the latest book by pro-LGBT Jesuit Father James Martin. Martin uses the example of Lazarus, to whom Christ says, “Come out [of the tomb]” as an analogy of homosexuals needing to “come out the closet” so as to “accept, embrace and love who you are, especially your […]

Do We Really Need a “New Ecumenism”?

PDF Button If we could, in a phrase, sum up Western man’s chief flaw, we might say: he never knew when to stop innovating. Innovation and striving towards new ways of developing culture is, of course, a strength of the West. But if one is always discontent with the greatness he achieves, he risks tinkering […]

Why is There a Gaza Strip? Israel, the Land, and the Covenant — Part I

PDF Button Editor’s Note: This three-part series first appeared throughout the February, March, and April 2015 issues of our monthly paper. As we approach the nine-month mark of present hostilities between Hamas and Israel, which erupted last October, we are reprinting this series as a means of addressing the current conflict and placing it within […]