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Biden’s Baby Formula Blowout


In just over one year, unelected president Joe Biden has given Americans soaring inflation and depleted supplies. His latest crisis is leaving American babies without food. American parents are scrambling to find formula for their babies, while Biden’s administration is sending baby food to the southern border.

Florida’s U.S. Representative Kat Cammack exposed stockpiles of baby formula reserved solely for illegal immigrants.

Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla.: “The craziness of the empty-shelves Biden movement and the fact that they are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border.”

This while Biden’s leftist administration claims it has been monitoring the shortage since it began in February. Biden was asked Friday why he didn’t act sooner.

Joe Biden, president of the United States: “If we’d been better mind readers, I guess we could’ve, but we moved as quickly as a problem became apparent to us.”

The government is providing a website to help locate formula, which many are blasting as a dead end for desperate parents. Military families across the globe are getting hit by the shortage as well.

Sham-Catholic Biden’s Food and Drug Administration has struck a deal with formula-maker Abbott to open its recently shuttered plant in Michigan. But manufacturers are still weeks, or even months, away from resolving the crisis.

In Biden’s America, parents may have to illegally enter the country before they can find food for their children. On top of hungry infants, Biden has also given Americans a fuel shortage, a computer microchip shortage and an electricity shortage — forecasted for this summer.