Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Republican Hispanic Wave

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Democrats are afraid of a red wave sweeping the country in this year’s midterm elections, but now, the woke Left is also losing its historic voter base.

Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at a Hispanic uprising.

Donald Trump: “They love me, I love them. And I’ll tell you something, if I get the nomination, I’ll win the Latino vote; I will win it.”

Since President Donald Trump took the political stage in 2015, Latino voters have been turning their backs on the Democrat Party.

Now, record numbers of Hispanic Republicans are running for Congress throughout the United States.

Over 100 conservative Latinos are seeking U.S. House seats this year, according to the National Republican Congressional Committee.

The nation’s first 2022 primary in Texas verified that Latino Americans have had enough of the radical Left. In March, a red wave swept the Lone Star State. The GOP even saw success in the Rio Grande Valley, a Democrat stronghold where over 90% of voters are Hispanic.

Biden’s border crisis has outraged many in southern districts, but more broadly, Hispanics are dissatisfied with the Democrats’ agenda.

Joe Biden: “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as White kids.”

According to the New York Times, Hispanics feel Democrats are destroying a Latino culture built around God, family and patriotism.

A recent Quinnipiac poll revealed only 26% of Latinos approve of sham-Catholic Biden. Similarly, a Gallup poll showed Biden’s Hispanic approval tanked 21 points since his inauguration.

As Democrats lose minority voters, the Left is looking less diverse and less inclusive each day.

Democrats are losing a traditionally Catholic minority group by pushing radical abortion, socialism and even dubbing them “Latinx,” a title unpopular among Hispanics.

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