Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Hunter Biden Business

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Mainstream Media have been constant apologists for Joe Biden and his scandal-plagued son, Hunter. But now, the leftist self-proclaimed journalists are performing an about-face.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings.

Donald Trump: “Hunter got thrown out of the military; he was thrown out. … He didn’t have a job until you became vice president.” 

Joe Biden: “None of that is true.” 

Trump: “Once you became vice president, he made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places.”

Biden: “That’s simply not true.”

New reports are confirming Hunter Biden made roughly $11 million in just 5 years of dubious foreign business deals. In a shocking turn, NBC News recently exposed the younger Biden’s alarming income, after analyzing the sordid contents of his laptop.

Documents from Hunter’s hard drive and iCloud account show, between 2013 and 2018, he raked in millions as a board member of Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian energy firm. Soon after he joined Burisma, the company allegedly bribed Ukrainian officials to halt money-laundering investigations into the firm. 

According to Hunter’s business records, he collected more than half of his earnings from just two Chinese business deals. In one of them, a company owned by the Chinese Communist Party paid over $4 million in roughly one year to Owasco P.C., a company controlled by the younger Biden. The Chinese company’s chairman has since been arrested, and his status is unknown.

These revelations are surfacing after mainstream media attempted desperately to ignore and cover up Hunter Biden’s suspected breaches of national security, ethics and law. Biden’s so-called “laptop from Hell” was discovered in 2019, but the Left downplayed the scandal and continued to do so well past 2020’s election.

Hunter Biden: “There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me. For real, I don’t know … at all, at all. So we’ll see.”

The younger Biden allegedly paid off roughly $2 million he owed the IRS after not reporting portions of his international income — but he would still have to answer for any illegal activity.

The radical Left and its mainstream media continually claimed the laptop was simply a Russian disinformation plot.

Joe Biden: “There is no controversy about my son; it’s all a lie, a flat lie. Everything from the Wall Street Journal — every other major news outlet has said what he’s saying is simply not true about my son.”

Now that mainstream media are verifying the allegations, critics are asking why it took so long.

Reports show Hunter Biden quickly threw away his questionable income, at times spending over $200,000 a month on drugs, dental work, luxury hotels and debauchery.

— Campaign 32075 —