Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Mary, ‘Help of Christians’

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While the mainstream media have been focused almost exclusively on the conflict in Ukraine, communist China’s domination of its own people, and especially of Catholics, has been largely ignored. Church Militant’s Kristine Christlieb explains how Catholics are being asked to help the Church in China.

Cdl. Joseph Zen, bishop emeritus, Hong Kong: “The most important thing is to pray because we believe the only hope is really from Heaven. So we pray, especially [to] Our Lady, Help of Christians.” 

Cardinal Zen isn’t the only Catholic leader recommending prayers to Our Lady, Help of Christians, on behalf of China.

In 2007, Pope Benedict proclaimed today, May 24, the feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, a world day of prayer for the Church in China.

Chinese Christians have been especially in need of help since disgraced former cardinal Theodore McCarrick and Pope Francis negotiated a secret deal with Chinese leaders.

Cdl. Zen: “The most part of those regulations are not new. They were already there, but they were not being enforced. Actually, already, last year, they said that from the first of February, but now, after one year, they repeat again: ‘Now we really enforce those regulations.'”

Cardinal Zen was arrested in Hong Kong on May 11 and charged with colluding with foreign powers. Despite threats of imprisonment, Zen continues his service to God’s people. He offered Mass today in Hong Kong.

On Sunday, Pope Francis drew attention to the dire situation in China.

Pope Francis: “Let us pray for the Church in China.” 

While Pope Francis assured Chinese Catholics of his “spiritual closeness,” he never mentioned Cdl. Zen by name; but in our prayers, we can pray for Cdl. Joseph Zen.

Chinese sources say the CCP “assigns” $2 billion annually to the Vatican in exchange for its silence on human rights abuses.

— Campaign 32075 —