Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope pleads for renewed peace negotiations, end of attacks on eastern Ukraine (Vatican News)

“100 days after the beginning of the armed aggression against Ukraine, the nightmare of war, which is the negation of God’s dream, has once again befallen humanity: peoples in conflict with one another, peoples who kill each other, people being driven from their homes instead of being brought closer,” Pope Francis said on June 5.

“And while the fury of destruction and death rampages and the conflicts rage on, fueling an escalation that is increasingly dangerous for all, I renew my appeal to the leaders of nations: do not lead humanity into ruin, please!” he continued. “Do not lead humanity into ruin, please!”

“Let true negotiations take place, real talks for a ceasefire and for a sustainable solution,” the Pope added. “Let the desperate cry of the suffering people be heard – we see this every day in the media – have respect for human life and stop the macabre destruction of cities and villages in the east of Ukraine. Let us continue, please, to pray and to strive tirelessly for peace.”