Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Introducing Our New Editor

Catholic Exchange is happy to announce that Kristen Van Uden is taking over as editor. Kristen has been working behind the scenes for months editing articles, reaching out to authors, and finding creative ways to improve Catholic Exchange and expand our reach.

Kristen works at Sophia Institute Press as media spokesperson, and has been featured on a variety of media platforms including Coast to Coast AM, The Federalist, and Sensus Fidelium.

She’s also a frequent contributor to Catholic Exchange; her articles can be found here.

Kristen’s academic background is in History and Russian Studies, and she is currently completing a research project on the persecution of Catholics under communism.

She hopes to continue to provide solidly orthodox, accessible Catholic content to help our global readership grow in knowledge and love of the Faith.

Thank you, readers, for your continued support of Catholic Exchange. Please join us in thanking Michael Lichens for his years of excellent editorial work, and please keep Kristen in your prayers as she adjusts to the new role.