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California is solidifying its place as a leader in the Culture of Death with a new bill passed by the State Assembly being fast-tracked through the Senate.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Paul Murano covers the next move in the Golden State’s spiral to Hell.

Jessy Rosales, California state organizer, Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity (URGE): “I do think California has a responsibility and an obligation to be the sanctuary state.”

To complement its new identity as a sanctuary state for killing the innocent unborn, California is about to pass a bill that would indirectly allow killing by neglect of infants born alive.

One sponsor of the bill explains the intent of AB2223.

Rep. Buffy Wicks (D-CA), state district 15: “This bill will remove outdated provisions requiring coroners to investigate certain pregnancy losses [and] will clarify that the Reproductive Privacy Act prohibits criminalization of pregnancy loss and pregnancy outcomes.”

The so-called Reproductive Privacy Act, as amended by the State Assembly, now reads: “A person shall not be held subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty … with respect to … perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero.”

Since the word “perinatal” denotes both before and after birth, some Californians fear the new language could allow the killing by neglect of a living baby after a botched home abortion — with no penal consequence.

Jennifer, host, Sweet Home California: “Seven days or a month — some definitions even have perinatal up to a year. In the bill itself, it doesn’t define what perinatal is.”

John Gerardi is chief officer of Right to Life of Central California.

John Gerardi: “In California, there’s a very disproportionately high abortion rate.”

Gerardi told Church Militant the most dangerous part of this bill is that coroners will no longer be able to investigate these deaths. A failed home abortion resulting in the death of the baby days or weeks after his birth, for example, would never be exposed.

Gerardi added, another measure, SCA10, would allow for a referendum to amend the state Constitution to codify abortion on demand. The language is vague enough, Gerardi warns, that Catholic hospitals and health care providers may be forced to cover abortion.

State senator Lena Gonzalez is rallying pro-death troops to ensure California continues to be a sanctuary state for “pregnant people,” not women, who choose to kill their offspring.

Sen. Lena Gonzalez, D-Calif., state district 33: “We know so many more pregnant people across California and across this nation will be coming to seek refuge here in our great state.”

California is following the illogic of the Culture of Death down a dark path. If it’s acceptable to kill a preborn child, it’s foreseeable it’ll eventually be acceptable to kill a post-born child, at least by neglect. Same child, same choice.

In a June 9 statement, California’s bishops said they will be “actively engaged in opposing the upcoming ballot initiative” and will ask the state’s 12 million Catholics to “vigorously oppose” the measure.

— Campaign 32075 —

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