Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Economy Drowning Americans

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A new poll shows “Bidenflation” is sinking Americans financially and stripping many of hope for a better future. Church Militant’s Kim Tisor examines the numbers and how they may impact the November midterms.

A Fox News poll released Wednesday shows a whopping 82% of Americans take a negative view of Biden’s economy. A massive majority say gas, grocery, utility and health care costs pose a problem for them and their families.

Concerned mom: “My biggest fear right now is to keep a roof over our head, gas in our car and food on the table.”

It’s clear Americans are suffering.
Concerned mom: “No matter what, of course, I have to keep going, but between inflation and me, inflation’s winning.”
The burn they’re feeling following 18 months of the most disastrous administration in U.S. history has them scrutinizing political parties. 

Most American voters have come to trust Republicans over Democrats regarding a host of important issues — inflation, border security, crime, foreign policy and preserving democracy. 

But because of a culture devoid of morality and transfixed by Hollywood trivialities, too many lack intellectual clarity or the moral integrity to trust Republicans with other key issues. The poll shows voters trust Democrats when it comes to handling climate change, abortion, voting rights, election integrity and coronavirus.
So voters trust Republicans when it comes to safeguarding their security and pocketbooks, but, in contrast, place their faith in Democrats when it comes to protecting their health, the polls and their compulsion to kill innocents.

Liki Marks, abortion protester: “We should have access to free, safe, legal abortion on demand, whenever we want it.”

Daily reminders of just how bad things are right now make it appear Republicans have November in the bag. But, as the poll shows, too many voters have succumbed to deception in areas of paramount political, social, economic and, of course, moral importance.

Unless enough Americans wake up from their intellectual and spiritual slumber, it will take far more than a GOP win this fall — or even in 2024 — to right America’s ship.

Fed chair Jerome Powell is set to testify before Congress next week. He’ll update lawmakers on the Fed’s plans to fight Biden’s historic 40-year-high inflation.

— Campaign 32075 —