Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Do Something


Church Militant is now the most-talked-about Catholic website on the planet.

From atheists to leftist Marxists (including but not limited to members of the hierarchy) to politicians who pose as conservatives to faithful Catholics who are sick and tired of the constant downward spiral, Church Militant has risen to be a leader — perhaps the leader — in this area. Even the Vatican Secretariat of State monitors us every day, as well as multiple dioceses throughout the country, including our own here in Detroit.

First, we’d like to thank all of you who have propelled this apostolate to the heights it has reached. None of it would be possible without you. But there is something more basic I’d like to address and get a little personal about in the process, if I may.

What Church Militant has become today owes to one moment in the temporal order. Of course, without the spiritual order of my mom’s prayers for my return to the Faith and the multitude of graces they afforded us, the temporal order would amount to nothing. That being said, the temporal order does matter, a lot.

When I returned to the Faith (the One True Faith), I had a deep yearning to do something for the Faith that would be a “thank you” to God as well as a “share the joy of the truth” to others.

From the time of my reversion in June 2004 until the first “inspiration” or idea in late 2005, I used to talk with my dad constantly about what I could do. I had zero ideas really — all kinds of stuff, but nothing taking solid form. I was doing very well financially in my career at the time, but just increasing donation amounts to various Catholic outfits didn’t seem like enough.

At that time of my life, in fall 2005, my job was taking me around the world on various production shoots, and the book The Da Vinci Code was everywhere. Written by Dan Brown, it was another one of those “death by a thousand cuts” approaches to destroying people’s faith.

The book, which calls itself a novel but is treated as history, is little else than a denial of Our Lord’s divinity. It also insisted He and Mary Magdalene were an “item” and had a child, and the Catholic Church was part of a 2,000-year-long conspiracy trying to hide this from the world.

The book (and subsequent movie starring Tom Hanks) was the sole impetus in the temporal order for the launching of this apostolate — nothing more.

I was infuriated by the proposals the book and movie put forward and said to myself, “I have to do something!” So I told my dad that I had finally figured out what to do and began producing a documentary debunking the ridiculous claims of Dan Brown.

I never got around to producing that documentary because several days later, after severe writer’s block, I said, “Dad, The Da Vinci Code isn’t the problem. The problem is that people believe all this crap because they don’t know the Faith. What we need is some kind of regular media presentation of the truths of Catholicism.” A few weeks later, I was renting building space, converting it into a studio and getting down to business.

That first effort was and remains our flagship show, The One True Faith, with more than 100 hour-long episodes. Premium members can still view those. The host looks a little younger, but the content is great because it’s Catholic truth. The point is, I did something.  When staff members joined me in those early days, none of us had the slightest idea that it would become all this. That was God’s doing.

He did what He did because we did something. We had no guarantee of success. We didn’t plan or even think of all this. We almost crashed and burned twice. But because we kept praying and fighting and doing, here we are.

I’m saying all this to encourage you to do something meaningful. Put some skin in the game — your skin. It must hurt to count. It must be a sacrifice to be meaningful. The world is going to hell and you must do something.

Put some skin in the game — your skin.

Anyone with eyeballs can see a major spiritual war happening on two fronts — the Church and the culture, specifically politics. We know there are 100 reasons not to get fully involved and completely commit to fighting this uphill war.

There will always be excuses, reasons and rationalizations, but, at the end of the day, there’s only one reason to get involved and make the sacrifice — to fight for the future and roll back evil, even a little bit; to stand in that breach and do your duty. It is a sacred duty to fight against evil. God Himself created you for this time. He knew you from all eternity. He planned in His divine mind to assign you to this time and place in history.

This is the whole reason Church Militant is sponsoring our “Call to Action Convention” in late August.

No warrior is worth a lick if he goes into battle unprepared. This requires two things: a willingness and dedication to fight and proper training.

The weekend of August 19–21 here in Detroit, we are assembling a team of fantastic presenters — 16 individuals who committed to the fight long ago and have fashioned an impressive arsenal of knowledge and action. They want to instruct you in the ways of this war.

It’s safe to say that all of them didn’t start out with anything other than a sense of “I have to do something” to fight evil. They didn’t write letters, sign online petitions or share podcasts. On their own, those activities amount to practically nothing. What they did was get off their butts and get involved. They got mad, committed and determined to do something.

Most of them had no formal training in their eventual areas of excellence. They had desire motivated by love for truth and the right. They had no personal ambitions of being leaders, but their desire vaulted them into leadership roles.

They had no personal ambitions of being leaders, but their desire vaulted them into leadership roles.

People like:

Molly Smith, head of Cleveland Right to Life, responsible for igniting thousands of Ohioans in the cause for life 
Marc Randazza, one of the premier First Amendment attorneys in the country 
Stacy Langton, who began the attack on sexual indoctrination in public schools and catapulted Glenn Youngkin to the Virginia governorship 
Patrick Jones from Shasta County, California (deep-blue California), where he and a group of other committed patriots successfully ousted a Marxist county supervisor
Dan Cox, who has garnered the endorsement of President Trump in his bid to be the next governor of deep-blue Maryland 

The Church Militant Call to Action Convention will be presenting 16 experts who said, “I have to do something!” They did not begin as experts, just concerned Catholics and patriots who committed to getting off their posteriors and getting in the fight. So should you.

Church Militant is holding this convention to help shape you into the next generation of leaders by listening to those who ascended to leadership. We know there are huge numbers of you who are horrified at the state of affairs and want to do something, but aren’t sure what or how. This Call to Action Convention is for you, the common man or woman who has the desire but needs the training.

Click on the provided link and get here to Motown next month. Listen to these people who were no different than you and had no more experience or promise than you. They just did something about it, as you should. You have no idea what God will do with your desire. You just need to commit.

Please click on the link and reserve your spot today.