Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Ad Heard Round the World


Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

One of the, if not the, most viewed political ads ever has the political Left even more disgruntled than usual. 

Church Militant recently spoke with the congressional candidate behind “the ad heard round the world.” Here’s Church Militant’s William Mahoney with more.

Jerone Davison, congressional candidate, R-Ariz.: “You want people like me in Congress because I love God and I love you. And I won’t let you down.”

Jerone Davison proudly proclaims his Christian faith without fear, without compromise and without apology.

Davison is running to fill a U.S. House seat for Arizona’s 4th Congressional District (Tempe, Mesa, Chandler and Ahwatukee).

His website — — shows the candidate’s mantra of “Faith, Family and Freedom.”

Davison: “The Democrats have waged a war — not only against Black America, but against the world.”

And while Democrats cry “racism” and “White supremacy” against conservatives (or anybody else who dares to challenge far-left talking points) Davison cries foul.

He asserts a simple review of history shows who the racists and White supremacists are — namely, Democrats.

It was Democrats that established the Ku Klux Klan. It is also Democrats that push relentlessly for abortion, which, in the United States, is the leading cause of death for African Americans.

Davison went on to explain that Americans are confused because the Left is deliberately confusing them through what he calls “the false prophet,” mainstream media.

Davison: “They’re lying to people. And now, this administration is trying to come up with the ‘Ministry of Truth.’ The Ministry of Truth! I mean, just think about that. That’s a church term — servanthood kind of stuff. And they’re really just trying to block the truth and keep America deceived.”

A former football player for the Oakland Raiders, Davison is ready to tackle the Democrats once and for all.

Davison faces four other Republican candidates in the upcoming primary election on Aug. 2.