Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Rot Runs Deep


The rot continues to fester in the Catholic Church with no sign of abating anytime soon. Corrupt prelates are seeing to that personally.

With us tonight is Evening News cohost James Fedewa, spotlighting a current example.

Thanks Hunter, another traitor bishop is elevating a wayward priest and scandalizing his flock. 

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, I’ll unpack the legacy of corruption, which might still be dogging the diocese of Albany.

The bishop of Albany, New York just pulled the rug out from under faithful Catholics.

Bishop Edward Scharfenberger just elevated pro-homosexual Fr. David Mickiewicz to rector of Albany’s cathedral. This news came from a letter by Scharfenberger in the cathedral’s latest bulletin.

Mickiewicz, among other things, has suggested changing Church teaching on homosexual marriage.

He asked in an online blog, “Can our theology not be as broad as God’s mercy to encompass the commitment between gay couples?”

Faithful Catholics in Albany feel betrayed by Scharfenberger, who they thought would bring order to the chaos left behind by his predecessor, Bp. Howard Hubbard.

Hubbard was given the Albany diocese in 1977 and left in 2014.

Michael Voris, Church Militant report: “Over his nearly 40-year reign, Hubbard became infamous for covering up cases of homosexual predator priests.”

During his time, he protected sexual predator priests and banished faithful priests to remote country parishes. He also employed the same abuse tactics used by disgraced predator and former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.

Hubbard was outed as the gay ringleader of Albany by Fr. John Minkler, who died under mysterious circumstances just two days after a secretive meeting with Hubbard.

Scharfenberger, for all intents and purposes, has proven to be a massive disappointment.

Bp. Scharfenberger: “I really consider every single person, including our priests who may have abused people, as part of our family that I’m responsible to take care of in some way.”

In 2019, Sharfenberger was made administrator of New York’s Buffalo diocese after the resignation of the now-disgraced Bp. Richard Malone.

Scharfenberger has dealt softly with sex abuse — even concelebrating Mass in Buffalo with multiple priests who were credibly accused of sex abuse.

Bp. Scharfenberger: “It’s something that we do together; we celebrate Mass. You know I think the idea that the Mass is a reward for virtuous behavior, you know, this is a Church of sinners.”

The diocese, under his leadership, reportedly remains a “hotbed of liberal ideologues, homosexuals and canonical violations.”

During his reign over the Buffalo diocese as administrator, a former New Jersey priest called on Scharfenberger to resign for keeping an accused priest in ministry.