Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Scandalous Silence

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Communist tyrants across the globe are brutally suppressing their people — and many are also targeting the Catholic Church.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at the Vatican’s response — or lack thereof.

Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega’s communist regime is cracking down on Catholics, and the country’s faithful are pressuring Pope Francis to respond.

This week, Ortega’s authorities raided and shut down an eighth Catholic radio station in Matagalpa province. One priest of the diocese is reportedly trapped in the broadcasting station, writing, “I am being besieged. … The police are attacking the faithful who are inside the school.”

Ortega’s troops also have the local bishop, Rolando Álvarez, under house arrest, and are investigating him for so-called crimes against spirituality.

This, after years of anti-Catholic violence under Ortega, who expelled 18 Missionaries of Charity from the country last month. There have been almost 200 attacks against the Church during Ortega’s presidency.

The violence is being met with silence from the seat of Peter, and one local recently wrote, “I do not understand how Pope Francis can remain silent in the face of attacks on the most beloved priests of Nicaraguans.”

Meanwhile, the Pontiff expressed his “spiritual closeness” to the victims of an oil explosion in Cuba this week and imparted an apostolic blessing. But last year, when Cuba’s communist regime brutally suppressed pro-democracy rallies, which were calling for freedom from oppression, the pope had little to say.

Nicaraguan priest: “The people came out to express themselves freely and they are repressing and beating them, and that is unacceptable and we are here and we do not allow them to beat them. We are nobody; we are here to support them.”

The pope responded by offering his closeness and praying for a just and fraternal society. Cubans around the world were disappointed with the pontiff’s response and blasted the Church for failing to stand against tyranny.

Looking east, Vatican officials have even less to say against China’s genocidal communist regime.

Under Pope Francis, the Vatican–China accord was sealed, allowing the Chinese Communist Party to funnel millions of dollars to Rome, while Chinese authorities continue to persecute Catholics, destroy churches, appoint bishops and rewrite Holy Scripture.

For Catholics suffering under socialism around the world, the Vatican’s silence is deafening.

Some observers believe the Vatican’s silence on the Nicaraguan crackdown might be due to possible diplomacy happening behind the scenes to protect Bp. Álvarez.

— Campaign 32075 —