Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Combatting Barron

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During his rise to fame, Bp. Robert Barron has had numerous theological missteps. As Church Militant has reported in the past, it is extremely dangerous to preach the Faith with ambiguity. But when prelates hide behind ambiguous language, there needs to be a counterforce.

From failing to evangelize Jewish Ben Shapiro or sodomite Dave Rubin, to making misleading statements through his ministry, the Word on Fire Institute, Barron has left many souls confused.

On Thursday, Barron spoke to Catholics at the National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica in Royal Oak, within the boundaries of the archdiocese of Detroit.

Barron was invited to speak as part of the basilica’s summer speaker series.

Church Militant’s Detroit Resistance chapter came out in force. The group handed out pamphlets explaining two key issues with Bp. Barron’s teachings.

Resistance members first pointed to Barron’s agreement with an anti-scriptural teaching on Hell. 

Mark Rhodes, Resistance member:

I believe that Christ, Our Lord, has hoped that all men could be saved, but that’s not what it is. It’s a very narrow gate that people go through and the lethargy that they’re putting people into with this “reasonable hope”  is putting people in a sleep that’s going to cost them their eternal salvation.

Jeff Domsic, Resistance member:

And the more I learn, the more I realize that we’re being taught either wishy-washy or actually improperly by our priests and by the hierarchy, and with them not being specific, you know, I want my best chance to go to Heaven. I need to know the Faith, and I need to know how I’m supposed to live my life. And without people like Bp. Barron telling us the proper truth, I don’t know my chances to get there.

Next, they attacked his watered-down teaching on homosexuality. Resistance member Jeff Domsic painted the picture perfectly.


In a recent interview with Dave Rubin who is homosexual and in a relationship … Dave Rubin even walked away confused and didn’t really know what side Bp. Barron was on. So that’s why we’re here. We’re just trying to make sure that people understand that there are some things he says that might mislead you to come to the wrong conclusion.

Many Catholics claim all hope is lost in this fight for the Church. But the men in Detroit Resistance don’t agree.

Rhodes: “We have to step up and help educate, help guide everybody in and not to be lethargic and settled in our ways. So it’s our duty as the laity, and, as the bishops have told us, as the laity we need to step up and make a difference.”

As a final message, Detroit Resistance captain James DeSana reminds us why we need to be in this fight.

James Desana, Resistance captain, Detroit: “In order to love one another we have to. … We are our brother’s keeper, so, in loving Bp. Barron, we have to correct him in his errors for his own soul. Get active. Love your Faith. Love Jesus above all, and that’s about it.”

As a member of the Church Militant, every Catholic must do his own part in restoring Christendom — one soul at a time. 

We also were asking folks walking in what their takes on Barron’s stance was, and we were met with either scoffs or silence. 

I even tried speaking to a representative of the archdiocese of Detroit — but you can guess how that went.

— Campaign 31877 —