Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Welcome, Mother


If you even remotely follow Church Militant, you are aware of our devotion to Our Blessed Mother. While the name of the apostolate is St. Michael’s Media, we have also consecrated ourselves and our work here to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We make that consecration every day in our chapel, during morning prayer. And just so you know, the prayer book we have published is available for sale, if you would like. Just go onto the site, and click on the store. We recently updated it.

Now, as you know, our main stage here in the studio is dominated by an awesome statue of St. Michael, the patron of this apostolate. That statue is one of the earliest purchases we made, 16 years ago. And he sat on the stage of our original show, The One True Faith, for every taping. When we eventually moved him to his current home on this stage, we said, “We need Our Blessed Mother in the opposite corner!” 

So almost nine months ago, we placed our order. A few days ago, she arrived. We unveiled her on Church Militant Evening News a couple of nights ago. And in case you missed that broadcast, we’d like to show you us, unveiling Mommy.