Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis creates 20 cardinals (Vatican Press Office)

Pope Francis created 20 new cardinals during an August 27 consistory.

The Pontiff preached about “the charcoal fire that we find in John’s account of the third and final appearance of the risen Jesus to the disciples at the Sea of Galilee (cf. 21:9-14) … The Lord also wants to share this fire with us, so that like him, with meekness, fidelity, closeness and tenderness – this is God’s style: closeness, compassion and tenderness – we can lead many people to savor the presence of Jesus alive in our midst.”

There are now 226 cardinals, 132 of whom are under 80 and thus eligible to take part in a papal election. Eleven cardinals are 79, and another 15 cardinals are 78.