Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Building a just economy for women and families’: US bishops issue Labor Day statement (USCCB)

“Expanding the Child Tax Credit and passing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” would “have a profound impact on family stability, especially for families who are financially vulnerable,” Archbishop Paul Coakley Archbishop of Oklahoma City, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, emphasized in the US bishops’ 2022 Labor Day statement.

“This is also the first Labor Day since the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade,” Archbishop Coakley added. “The ruling is an incredibly significant step towards healing the deep wounds of abortion and protecting all preborn human life.”

He continued, “This unique moment necessitates a society and an economy that supports marriages, families, and women; it demands that all of us reach across political aisles and work diligently to reframe social policies in ways that are pro-woman, pro-family, pro-worker and, thus, authentically pro-life.”