Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Ukrainian Catholic leader lauds soldiers’ heroism on 200th day of war (Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church)

On September 11, the 200th day since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk paid tribute to the heroism of Ukrainian soldiers.

“The main news of the past day was the rapid de-occupation of the cities and villages of the Kharkiv region in the context of a brilliant counter-offensive by the Ukrainian army,” said the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. “However, we all understand that every liberation, every tear of the joy of our people, which appears with the approach of the Ukrainian army, is sprinkled with the blood of our liberating soldiers.”

“And on this Sunday, we pay our respects in prayer to those who, especially these days, at the cost of their own lives, are liberating the Ukrainian land from the occupier,” he continued. “Today, the Ukrainian flag is becoming a symbol of peace and freedom, for which we pray to God.”