Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

From Woke to Broke

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After plunging into bankruptcy, the Boy Scouts of America is paying out nearly $2.5 billion to 80,000 abuse victims. Church Militant’s Paul Murano looks at what led to the sorry state of this once-proud organization that upheld traditional Christian and American values.

The sexual revolution is causing havoc to America’s most cherished institutions.

Liz Wheeler, The Liz Wheeler Show: “They use those people in pursuit of destroying the nuclear family and removing sex from the context of marriage. … Any kind of enterprise that has embraced the sexual revolution has deep psychological unwellness.”

And the Boy Scouts of America is no exception. Its downfall began in earnest in 2015, when the BSA lifted its ban on homosexual scout leaders. Also in 2015, a former scout leader was sentenced to 20 years for possessing child pornography. He was later found to have had abusive sexual contact for seven years with an underage boy.

After sodomites were officially welcomed into the BSA, then came so-called transgenders.

Michael Surbaugh, chief scout executive, Boy Scouts of America: “Starting today, we will accept registration in our scouting programs based on the gender identity provided on the individual’s application.”

In 2017, after these sexually confused individuals were welcomed, the cofounder of Scouts for Equality stated, “This is another historic day for the Boy Scouts of America.”

Then came pressure to admit girls. And in 2018, the Boy Scouts, in effect, became the gender-neutral scouts.

After girls joined in with boys, the organization’s new post-Christian values followed with a demand for condoms. The once-godly bastion of virtue and responsibility has become another cesspool of homosexuality and fornication for the demonic Left. And it’s left the BSA woke and broke.

Attorney Jeff Anderson, who represents many victims of abuse by Catholic clerics, is also representing over 800 Boy Scout abuse victims.

— Campaign 32075 —