Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope links fight against Covid, quest for peace, in message for World Day of Peace (Vatican News)

In his annual message for the 56th World Day of Peace, which will be celebrated on January 1, Pope Francis makes an unusual connection between the worldwide battle against Covid and the quest for peace.

The title of the papal message is: “No one can be saved alone. Combatting Covid-19 together, embarking together on paths of peace.”

In his message the Pontiff says that “when seem to overwhelm our lives, we are called to keep our hearts open to hope and to trust in God, who makes himself present, accompanies us with tenderness, sustains us in our weariness and, above all, guides our path.” He argues that the Covid epidemic “exposed any number of forms of fragility,” and yet the crisis provided an opportunity to learn and grow together.

However, as the epidemic eased, the Pope writes, “a terrible new disaster befell humanity.” He refers to the war in Ukraine, “reaping innocent victims and spreading insecurity, not only among those directly affected, but in a widespread and indiscriminate way for everyone…”

The war, the Pope says, “represents a setback for the whole of humanity and not merely for the parties directly involved.” Doubling down on his support for the Covid vaccine, he remarks: “While a vaccine has been found for Covid-19, suitable solutions have not yet been found for the war.”

Returning to the discussion of the Covid epidemic, the Pope calls upon the world’s leaders to “revisit the issue of ensuring public health for all.” At the same time he calls for “actions that promote peace and put an end to the conflicts and wars that continue to spawn poverty and death.”