Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Transfusion Confusion


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As we approach the COVID plandemic‘s three-year mark, the long-term side effects of the manipulated crisis are coming to light in wave after wave of bad medical news.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Kristine Christlieb reveals yet another COVID landmine.

Cornelia Hertzler, baby Alexander Bly’s mother: “And she had, you know, really been arguing with us about this for a long time and knew our wishes. I came in, and there she was, just giving him a blood transfusion.”

As the one-year legal deadline to seek damages approaches, a Washington-state couple is speaking out about their infant son’s death, which they allege is linked to vaccine-tainted blood.

Within hours of his birth on Jan. 3, Alex Bly was diagnosed with several serious medical problems. They could be treated but would require surgery.

Alex’s parents approved the surgeries but immediately expressed their objection to Alex receiving blood from a vaccinated donor.

Providence Sacred Heart, a Catholic medical center in Spokane, did not make it easy.


I think one key factor here is, when we first initially asked for it [vaccine-free blood], they said it’s going to be very expensive, you know, people like you won’t be able to afford it. And so, they made it sound like it would be thousands of dollars per donor, and that turned out not to be the case once we actually — we had to get permission from the blood bank director. And it was a couple hundred bucks per person.

Ron Bly, Alex’s father: “$160, total.”

Just as the couple was nearing completion of the process, Alex came through his first surgery without needing a blood transfusion.

But following the surgery, neonatologist Dr. Eleane Beadle said the baby’s hemoglobin was low. And against the parents’ expressed wishes — of which she was fully aware — Beadle gave the little boy a blood transfusion from the general stock of blood.

Dr. Sumner Sandler, transfusion director, Georgetown University Hospital: “You have to balance the seriousness of complications of a blood transfusion with the transitory benefit of raising the hemoglobin over a few days.”

Within hours, Alex developed a huge blood clot — a clot that never dissolved and eventually caused his death.

The Epoch Times is reporting, “Unvaccinated Blood Is Now in Very High Demand.”

Concerns about vaccinated blood were in the headlines in early December, when a New Zealand couple lost medical custody of their son.

They approved the need for his medically necessary surgery but also objected to him receiving vaccine-tainted blood.

While we wait for a solid answer to the question of whether vaccinated blood poses any risks, it is not surprising that many are being cautious.

Church Militant contacted Dr. Beadle for comment but did not receive a response by press time.

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