Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Failing the Parents




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How is it possible children suffering from gender dysphoria are able to “transition” without their parents’ knowledge? It’s because of a growing number of gender policies created by public schools. 

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Kristine Christlieb examines school districts’ new rules and the damage they’re causing.

Erika Sanzi, outreach director, Parents Defending Education: “A school will not give our children Tylenol or Advil or even let them use sunscreen without parents signing a permission slip. And yet now, we have school districts again across the country who are deliberately deceiving parents and also acknowledging that they are withholding information from parents.”

School districts in America’s largest cities, like New York CityLA and Chicago, have issued policies instructing teachers not to disclose to parents that their kids are identifying as the opposite sex. A mother near Philadelphia recounts how her daughter entered 9th grade wanting to be a Christian camp counselor. That all changed, the mom claims, when teachers began indoctrinating the teen behind her back.

Linda Mullins, concerned parent: “She began cutting herself. She became depressed. By the end of the school year, she was also calling herself by a different name. This parent was not informed of these things.” 

The daughter has since had her breasts removed and is on testosterone, both of which cause irreparable harm. Another girl, Chloe, discovered the harm firsthand. An experience at school encouraged her to begin the process at age 13. Three years later, after accepting years of gender-disrupting drugs and a mastectomy, she realized she had made a mistake.

Chloe Cole, detransitioner: “The problem with me starting at so young was not only that I couldn’t consent. I couldn’t really fathom the full — just the full picture of things. … I’ll never be able to breastfeed. I’ll never have that erogenous sensation in my chest back.” 

Parents are beginning to decry school districts for embracing the trans agenda — at times, quite creatively.

Lindsey Graham, host, The Patriot Barbie Podcast: “How many believe that your child, or a child from this school, would believe that I’m actually a cat? No one. You are right. Why? Because you’re not stupid.” 

Other parents are warning schools if they don’t abandon woke LGBT ideology, they’ll have a hefty price to pay.

Michelle Altair, concerned parent: “We’re all going to have to answer to a much higher power for our role in the destruction, and it is the destruction of children.”

The U.S. bishops’ Catholic Education Committee chairman, Bp. Thomas Daly of Spokane, Washington, has said the affirmation of gender ideology is rooted in a “misplaced compassion.” He has asserted that when gender politics occur in Catholic educational settings, it’s especially “tragic and sinful.”

— Campaign 32075 —