Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Alphabet Mafia Expanding

DUBLIN ( – A sodomitical nonprofit in Ireland is pushing homosexuality across the traditionally Catholic nation.

Paula Fagan, CEO of LGBT Ireland

On Monday, a so-called charity known as “LGBT Ireland” announced plans to expand its promotion of unnatural degeneracy, with a particular focus on nonmetropolitan areas.

“The ambitious plan we have launched today builds on our achievements,” said Paula Fagan, CEO of LGBT Ireland.

She added:

In laying out this strategy we remain mindful that Ireland is not the best place to be LGBTQI+ unless it is the best place to be LGBTQI+ for every member of our community, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, orientation, location or any other aspect of an individual’s identity or expression.

Most of Ireland’s LGBT activism takes place in major cities. Ireland’s two largest cities, Dublin and Cork, both host regular “pride” events, as do other cities like Limerick, Galway and Waterford. Dublin and Cork also have major gay pubs, nightclubs and so-called resource centers. Cork actually has two gay resource centers: one for sodomites and one for lesbians. In 2015, a Gallup survey declared Ireland one of the 10 most pro-gay countries in the world. Ireland’s current Taoiseach (the Irish term for prime minister), Leo Varadkar, is even an open homosexual.

Yet even with all this cultural domination, LGBT Ireland still thinks it’s necessary to expand.

Decline Into Degeneracy

Ireland was once among the most politically conservative nations, especially where abortion and homosexuality were concerned. This was due in no small part to the influence of the Catholic Church. It should come as no surprise then that as the leaders of the Church in Ireland began to slip into moral decay, so too did the rest of the nation.

When Ireland legalized gay so-called marriage, the Emerald Isle’s bishops became some of the legislation’s most vocal defenders. In 2015, the then-bishop of Ardagh and Clonmacnoise, Francis Duffy, apologized for one of his priests who, after the legislation passed, claimed that “the Devil is at work in Ireland.” Archbishop of Armagh Eamon Martin, the primate of Ireland, has also expressed tacit support for sodomy, as has Dublin’s Abp. Dermot Farrell. Much more recently, Kerry’s Bp. Ray Browne actually sanctioned one of his priests — the bold Fr. Seán Sheehy — for daring to point out the Catholic Church teaches homosexual acts are a mortal sin and lead to eternal damnation.


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News Report: Irish Apostasy

The archdiocese of Dublin hosts a recurring “All Are Welcome” Mass where practicing homosexuals are not only permitted but encouraged to receive Our Blessed Lord’s Body and Blood in the Blessed Sacrament.

In 2019, the Irish bishops’ charity Trócaire even backed a pro-gay rally.

Just last year, the Irish bishops published their synodal synthesis report, which included “a clear, overwhelming call for the full inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in the Church.” The report further noted, “There were calls from an LGBTQI+ focus group for an apology from the Church. This submission suggested that even though the Church rarely condemns gay people these days, it indirectly creates an atmosphere where physical, psychological and emotional abuse of gay people is tolerated and even encouraged.”

Rural Retreat

The rainbow mafia’s agenda has already infested the Church in Ireland, infecting priests and prelates alike. Now, that agenda is even marching on the small towns it hasn’t yet touched.

As noted above, the vast majority of Ireland’s LGBT propaganda is anchored in major cities and metropolitan areas. Rural areas don’t have regular “pride” parades or rainbow-themed holidays, much less fully staffed pro-gay propaganda “resource centers.”

In 2019, The Irish Times ran a profile on homosexuals living in rural Ireland. Although initially attempting to showcase the homophobic hatred that festers in small towns and the countryside, one LGBT-afflicted person quoted in the article ultimately notes, “I don’t see any difference between being gay in Roscommon, being gay in Athlone, being gay in Kildare town, or being gay in Dublin.” Another added, “I think it is a challenge to be gay anywhere in the world, whether it’s in a big city or in Athboy or somewhere else.”

The vast majority of Ireland’s LGBT propaganda is anchored in major cities and metropolitan areas.

That same year, the country’s Central Statistics Office conducted a survey and found that LGBT people had the highest rate of perceived discrimination out of any demographic in Ireland — despite the fact that Ireland is one of the top 10 most pro-gay countries, all of the country’s major cities host multiple recurring “pride” events and boast multiple establishments just for homosexuals, and the country was among the first to elect an open homosexual as its leader.

Despite utterly dominating the Irish culture, the LGBT agenda’s appetite simply isn’t satisfied, so small towns are the next course on the menu.

— Campaign 31877 —