Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Tracking the Unvaxxed


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Three years after the initial COVID outbreak, the pandemic appears to be over, but medical tyranny is still metastasizing in America.

In tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Aidan O’Connor takes a closer look at Biden’s Centers for Disease Control.

The United States is now using medical codes to categorize Americans according to their abortion-tainted-jab statuses.

Biden’s U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, revealed that the new medical diagnosis codes are intended “to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized.”

The CDC added a new COVID-19 subcategory for “underimmunization status.”

Three new codes in the category are “unvaccinated,” “partially vaccinated” and “other underimmunization status.”

One so-called health expert who works with a children’s hospital claimed, “I think it would be a good idea to be able to indicate that, for whatever reason, the vaccine was refused. I know that we track that for families where they’ve refused to vaccinate their children, for one reason or another.”

The code system used by the United States was originally developed by the globalist World Health Organization.

Vaccine pioneer Dr. Robert Malone warned, “That information will end up in the hands of insurers, who will use it to make decisions about what you’re going to have to pay for your insurance policy, whether or not you’re going to be qualified.”

During the pandemic, many citizens were removed from organ transplant donor lists or denied medical services for not taking the experimental shots.

In the Empire State, an ongoing lawsuit is revealing that the New York State Education Department flagged teachers who refused to get jabbed — and even sent their fingerprints to the FBI.

When a teacher’s personal file is flagged, a code signifies that the worker should “not be hired due to unexplained misconduct of some kind.”

The attorney representing the teachers warned, “This was never about public health. This was about punishing those whose religious and other beliefs don’t line up with corporate interests in an effort to make it impossible to dissent.”

Also during the pandemic, sham-Catholic Biden’s Department of Homeland Security blacklisted government workers who asked for religious exemptions from the abortion-tainted jab.

The World Health Organization and governments around the globe have been experimenting with so-called vaccine passports, which could eventually prevent commerce and travel for unjabbed citizens.

Critics are also concerned overreaching medical frameworks will devolve into a social credit system akin to communist China’s tyrannical surveillance state.

Americans with moral and religious objections to the shots are concerned over how their “codes” could affect their lives moving forward.

Biden’s FBI logging the fingerprints of unjabbed teachers should come as no surprise to Catholics who recently were singled out and vilified by the FBI.

— Campaign 32075 —