Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

God in the Gap


I’m coming to you from the Bringing America Back to Life Convention here in Cleveland, where a thousand participants are wrapping things up after a very productive weekend. One of the great things about the convention is the speakers they are able to draw each year, and, this year, the slate included Human Events chief, Jack Posobiec — a dedicated, committed Catholic who has a thing or two to say about the demise of the American culture.

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Indeed, America, as the whole of Western civilization, could very well be facing its death knell, but the reason it has happened, according to Posobiec, is because of a lack of authentic Christianity. In that position, he echoes much of what Church Militant has been saying for years.

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There’s a lot to talk about.

Likewise, the unwillingness on the part of those in the establishment — including the Catholic establishment — who will not add their voices to the condemning of the injustice and corruption.

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If you’d like to see the interview in its entirety, please just click on the provided link. And while we are on the topic, we’d like to let you know that beginning this Monday, and every Monday thereafter, Church Militant is kicking off what we call Membership Monday. It’s an opportunity to live chat with various members of the team here about everything going on in the Church and the world.

And, as you know, there’s a lot to talk about — loads. It’s why we decided to give Church Militant supporters a chance to interact with various staff in a live format. Each Monday at 7 p.m. ET, we will be taking questions and comments from Premium members who join in.

If you are not a Premium member, you can still watch, certainly, but if you want a shot at your comments or questions being talked about, please become a Premium member. It’s our way of giving a little more attention to those who support our work here, as well as providing an opportunity for others to listen in and gnaw on discussions about the Faith, the culture, the dumpster fire that is the Church and the world right now.

There is no shortage of topics, certainly, and Church Militant, more than any other media apostolate, is uniquely qualified to have these moments of discussion with all of you. We all love the Church, and what is going on is like a knife to the heart. I was talking with some of the young guys here the other day, that what they see as America and the Church is not what we saw growing up.

In fact, I said, every single institution that was part of my formative years — the Church, America, the military, Notre Dame, the media — it’s all been blown up and mowed under by the Marxists who have seized control. We need to talk about these things and get all this out there. So that’s one example of what our all-new Membership Monday is all about.

Again, Premium members’ comments get reviewed in the chat and engaged with, so if you are not currently a Premium, please just click the link and become one. Again, it’s only $10 a month. I’ll be kicking things off this Monday. But each Monday, 7 p.m. ET, it will be me or Christine Niles or Simon Rafe, as well as some others here in the apostolate, so you can get a wide variety of views and takes on things.

We will be taking questions from Premium members.

I’m probably biased, but I think our staff is hands down the most knowledgeable, faithful, informative resource for anything in the Catholic world. There’s loads of life experience, professional experience, spiritual experiences and a wide array of personalities to engage with. We think you’ll really like it.

So please, sign up for Premium and add your thoughts to the live chat. We’ll try to get to as many as we can, every Monday night. It’s very informal — no massive productions — just straight up talk with you coming from each of our homes and just all being Catholic together.

Again, this will happen each Monday night at 7 p.m. ET with one of our smiling faces each time, as we rotate through various hosts. So mark it down. See you live this coming Monday at 7 p.m. ET. Sign up, and we’ll see you in the chat.