Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Biden Defies Common Sense

WASHINGTON ( – President Joe Biden is criticizing states trying to protect children from destructive transsexual medical procedures. 

President Joe Biden and Kal Penn

In an interview yesterday on The Daily Show with guest host Kal Penn, Biden stressed federal laws are needed to prevent states from interfering with minors’ so-called trans rights.

Biden insisted: 

They’re human beings. They love. They have feelings. They have inclinations that are, I mean, it just, to me, is — I don’t know — it’s cruel. And the way we do it is we make sure we pass legislation like we passed on same-sex marriage. You mess with that, you’re breaking the law, and you’re going to be held accountable.    

“It’s not like a kid wakes up one morning and says, ‘you know, I decided I want to become a man, or I want to become a woman, or I want to change,'” he asserted.

States Act to Protect Kids

The list of states currently positioned to break the law should the Biden administration codify protections for gender-confused minors is growing. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, at least four states have already passed laws to ban cross-sex surgery and hormonal “therapy,” with another 21 states advancing dozens of bills through their legislatures to safeguard children.

The states that have already banned what the Left calls “gender-affirming care” are all Republican-led and include Tennessee, Mississippi, South Dakota and Utah. The 21 states with lawmakers looking to prohibit physicians from mutilating children are Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and West Virginia.

What’s going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, close to sinful.

According to Orlando Weekly, Florida’s Health Policy Senate committee just yesterday advanced a bill 8–3, along party lines, to ban puberty blockers and hormones for the state’s gender-confused youth. The bill, known as SB254, would codify into state law the Florida Board of Medicine’s recently approved rule banning so-called gender-affirming care. It outlines penalties for parents and health care providers that violate the law.

New Spin on Sin

Counterfeit Catholic Joe Biden, during his interview with The Daily Wire, said of Catholic Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Sunshine State, “What’s going on in Florida is, as my mother would say, close to sinful.”

In a preview clip for an upcoming interview on the Daily Show, US President Joe Biden appeared to suggest that federal legislation was needed to prohibit states from restricting the medical transitioning of minors.

“What’s going on in Florida … is close to sinful.”

— REDUXX (@ReduxxMag) March 13, 2023

What is truly sinful, according to young adults who regret the irreversible procedures they procured as teens, is that no one protected them from making decisions they weren’t mentally or emotionally adept to make.

Chloe Cole, considered a vocal “detransitioner,” has lamented in several interviews that she was woefully uninformed when she made her decision to exchange her biological sex for a fraudulent facade.

(L to R) Chloe Cole and Helena Kerschner

She told Sky News in December, “I wasn’t fully informed of all the risks and I’m not the only one who is in this situation.” Cole revealed, “I’ve had side effects from the puberty blockers, the cross-sex hormones, as well as the double mastectomy.”

“No kid is equipped to make this kind of decision,” she added.

Helena Kerschner also returned to living life as a female after years presenting as a male. The young adult admits mental health challenges, influences found on social media, and guidance from non-parental adults played a role in her decision to alter her body.

“It’s just devastating to, especially from a young age, be lied to by adults at school and by medical professionals, and told that your body is wrong, you need to change it, you need to get hormones, you need to get surgeries. That’s devastating for a young person,” Kerschner rued.

Cole is pursuing legal action against the doctors who advised and treated her. Kerschner, like Cole, is committed to raising awareness to protect children suffering from gender dysphoria.

Kids Outgrow Gender Confusion

The good news for parents of young children struggling with gender identity is that recent research indicates most boys and girls will outgrow it. Internationally respected expert on pediatric gender medicine Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala has encountered hundreds of children with gender dysphoria during her time at Finland’s largest pediatric gender clinic. 

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News Report: Failing the Parents

In a recent interview, she professed four out of five children who identify as the opposite sex will feel differently after puberty.

Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala

“That’s why it’s wise to monitor the situation, give the child peace of mind and treat the family’s anxiety and possible related problems,” she suggested. 

In the same interview, Kaltiala also remarked children who exhibit gender dysphoria often have other underlying mental problems or, sometimes, developmental or learning challenges that need to be addressed. The solution for these children, according to Kaltiala’s research, isn’t to seek out hormone blockers and a physician willing to amputate healthy organs, but to receive mental health support and exercise patience.

Biden Doubles Down

Unfortunately, the Biden Administration isn’t listening to common-sense mental-health professionals. This time last year, the White House released a fact sheet condemning “the proliferation of dangerous anti-transgender legislative attacks that have been introduced and passed in state legislatures around the country” and calling the bills un-American.

Biden’s administration also claimed “gender-affirming care is neither child maltreatment nor malpractice” but “trauma-informed care” and vowed to provide resources to parents and educators on its importance for young people. 

Sadly, if Biden is successful in codifying protections for youth seeking trans procedures, there will be countless people like Cole and Kerschner in the near future living a life of sorrow and regret. Then what will he do?

— Campaign 32075 —