Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A Dangerous Road


A couple of weeks ago, we told you about the upcoming trial of one Douglass Mackey, a patriotic meme maker who was arrested for publishing memes about Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Mackey put up goofy posts encouraging people to text “Hillary” to a number in order to vote for her and avoid lines.

Of course, the whole thing was a spoof and a goof, akin to the practice back in the old days of telling your opponent’s supporters to be sure and vote on Wednesday, when, of course, the election was the day before, on Tuesday.

By way of update, last week, Mackey was found guilty of interfering with citizens’ sacred right to vote and is now awaiting sentencing and could face 10 years behind bars.

They could actually throw someone in prison for his political postings.

Church Militant has been watching this case very closely. Here are about 75 pages of research on it because we know a lot of the behind-the-scenes story, a story that could end up setting a precedent for not only canceling free speech but actually imprisoning you for it.

Douglass posted his satire memes a week or so before the 2016 election, where Trump defeated Killary. Then when Biden “won” in 2020 and was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2021. An indictment against Mackey was handed down two days later, and he was arrested later that week.

The timeline says it all. The chair in the Oval Office was still warm from Trump when Biden’s DOJ went and arrested Mackey for posting a joke meme. The back story is that the DOJ was itching all during the Trump years to arrest, charge and convict Mackey but held off, waiting in the wings.

No sooner had old braindead Brandon gotten in than they went racing after the young man. Later media reports revealed the Department of Justice, which is a joke if there ever was one, had been plotting for years to gin up a “test case” whereby they could actually throw someone in prison for his political postings.

We know Giant Tech and Biden and the alphabet agencies all conspired to cancel and deplatform anyone they could about anything they didn’t like being challenged, but now we are at a whole new level.

Understand that this case was laid as a blueprint to set a precedent to enable federal agents to come after you if you post something they label as disinformation and can twist around to suggest you are threatening someone — either their right to vote, not feel offended or essentially anything.

This ruling gives them the excuse that they want to literally put you in prison. And clearly, they are not kidding. Just ask Douglass Mackey. He’s scheduled for sentencing in August. And again, he could step into prison a young man and emerge a middle-aged man, all for a joke meme about Hillary. Are you listening?

It’s one thing to cast about for a test case, but it’s completely something different to strike gold with it. Mackey was tried and convicted in the Trump-friendly, Hillary-hating confines of Brooklyn, so we are, of course, certain that the jury was completely unbiased.

His legal team says that you can count on an appeal and are at least expressing confidence they will ultimately prevail, but no legal team predicts they will lose. So there’s that.

Why is Church Militant keeping a careful eye on this? Because given the current climate, absolutely nothing is off the table when it comes to the commies who hold almost all the cards now.

If you think you can venture into the public square and open your mouth for justice, freedom or faith and don’t think you won’t end up on some target list, then you need to learn to say “leaked FBI Report.”

It spelled the difference between apostasy and martyrdom.

In older times we might have called this “noose tightening.” Today, we can just say that it is a dangerous road and becoming increasingly more dangerous. It makes you stop and think that in the days of the Roman persecutions, all you were asked to do was offer just a little pinch of incense. That’s all, no big deal.

But the truth was that it was a big deal. It spelled the difference between apostasy and martyrdom. There aren’t that many martyrs from those days, a relative few. But many more gave up the Faith and bowed to Caesar.

So as we approach the holiest days of the year, ask yourself this: Will you not say what needs to be said when it needs to be said, even if its a joke, for fear of the feds and going to jail? The entire point is to make you give up your convictions and your faith. Mackey, as we said, was just the blueprint. If he doesn’t win the appeal, you’re next.