Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Crisis Series #24 w/ Fr. Franks: The New Mass: Proclaiming a New Theology

We’ll continue our discussion of the Novus Ordo Mass today with Fr. Paul-Isaac Franks, professor of Theology at Saint Marys College. Last time, we looked at the New Mass’s Ecumenical intent. Today, we’ll see how the New Mass is a direct expression of the New Theology that was condemned by Pope Pius XII. But this problematic theology came back in full force during the second Vatican council, and when the New Mass was developed, it drew on this new theology, putting aside much of the traditional theology contained in the Church’s Magisterium.

Although it’s not totally necessary, it may be helpful to go back and watch Episode 16 if you haven’t already, where Father Bourmaud took us through the New Theology itself – this will help you understand the inherent problems in this development of Church teaching. And if you’d like to see all our previous 23 episodes, please visit Now, we’ll turn to our conversation with Fr. Franks.

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