Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Shameless Dems Are Trying To Validate Pedophilia

ST. PAUL, Minn. ( – Republicans have thwarted efforts by Minnesota Democrats that would have made pedophiles a protected class under state law. 

Minnesota Democrats are trying to codify pedophilia

Minnesota’s Human Rights Act (HRA) clarifies that pedophiles are not a protected class, but Democratic state representatives introduced legislation that would have removed that clarification to protect them from so-called discrimination. 

The attempt came from the Take Pride Act (HF 1655), which proposed to remove the following language from the state’s HRA: “‘Sexual orientation’ does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult.”

In response, Rep. Krista Knudsen, a Republican from District 5A, took to Twitter, saying, “PEDOPHILES ARE NOT A PROTECTED CLASS!!! They are MONSTERS! I cannot believe I have to write this out! Come on, Minnesota!! This is HORRIFIC!”

PEDOPHILES ARE NOT A PROTECTED CLASS!!! They are MONSTERS! I cannot believe I have to write this out! Come on, Minnesota!! This is HORRIFIC!

— Rep. Krista Knudsen (@KristaForHouse) April 26, 2023

Minnesota’s HRA offers protection for “sexual orientation,” meaning that “the state law prohibits discrimination” based on one’s sexual preference or sexual attraction. According to the Act, one’s sexual orientation cannot disqualify him from employment, housing, public accommodations, public services, education, credit or business. 

If HF 1655 had been passed unamended, pedophilia (defined by the bill as adults with a “sexual attachment to children”) would have been classified as a “sexual orientation,” and, therefore, would have made pedophiles a protected class in Minnesota — preventing them from being denied employment, housing, education and so on.

Yesterday, though, Rep. Harry Niska, a Republican from District 31A, offered an amendment that added this language to the bill: “The physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult is not a protected class under this chapter.”

A glimmer of common sense. An all green vote in the House tonight for this amendment to close a potential loophole created by HF447.

— Harry Niska (@HarryNiska) April 27, 2023

The amended Take Pride Act passed by unanimous vote. 

Rep. Pam Altendorf, a Republican from District 20A, said, “Let this be a lesson on how we defeat the EVIL policies being pushed on Minnesota! 1) We caught them! 2) THE PUBLIC RESPONDED! This is how we WIN!”

Bill Author Pushing Child Mutilation

One of the chief authors of HF 1655 is Rep. Leigh Finke, a man whose preferred pronouns are “she/her.” Finke, who represents Minnesota House District 66A and serves as a director of Queer Equity Institute, claims the legislation is a “small bill that changes nothing about sexual orientation.”

Come into the state and receive puberty blockers and hormones.

Finke, who last year became the first “trans” legislator in the Minnesota House, has been successful in passing other gender-confusion bills.

The first bill he authored, for example, was called the Trans Refuge Bill (HF 146), which allows minors from outside Minnesota to come to the state to receive puberty blockers and hormones. In sum, the bill states it is “relating to children” and affords them “the use of gender-affirming health care.”

Today I joined @GovTimWalz and @LtGovFlanagan to announce an executive order to protect trans and gender expansive kids, adults and families.
Minnesota is making it known, again, that we stand with those who need help. I’m so proud and grateful to be proud of this work today.

— Leigh Finke (@leighfinke) March 8, 2023

Finke authored a 2020 book blasphemously titled Queerfully and Wonderfully Made: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Christian Teens. The book, which targets children aged 12 to 17, reads, “If your parents do not accept you and your queerness, then they do not know what’s best for you.” It also asserts that minors should “limit contact with any adult” who doesn’t affirm their “queerness,” and advises adolescents to visit “queer sex shops.”

HF 1655, which failed in normalizing pedophilia, nonetheless normalizes gender ideology.

HF 1655, which failed in normalizing pedophilia, nonetheless normalizes gender ideology.

For example, it states that “‘[g]ender identity’ means a person’s inherent sense of being a man, woman, both, or neither.” The bill continues, “A person’s gender identity may or may not correspond to their assigned sex at birth or to their primary or secondary sex characteristics.”

Church Militant reached out to Finke for comment but did not get a response.

— Campaign 31877 —