Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

A Surprising Defense of the Traditional Mass

However, on March 30 in the French weekly Valeurs Actuelles, a statement appeared that may serve as an early response to any Roman attempt to issue a burial permit for the Tridentine Mass.

Here is this statement: “We want to make everything horizontal, to banalize things, to make them ordinary…. It is amazing to see that this temptation also affects the Catholic Church. I once attended a celebration of Mass according to the traditional rite: it is not my culture, but first I had an aesthetic emotion that challenged me.

“I’m not saying that it will necessarily fill the churches, but this Tridentine liturgy belongs to a liturgical heritage. I have the impression that what is at stake with the attacks of which this rite is the object, is a bit the continuation of Vatican II, with this temptation, even in the Church, to oust the sacred, the transcendent. However, I rather have the feeling that it is a treasure that should be kept as holy and defended.”

These remarks were made by a Franco-Tunisian journalist, of Muslim faith, Sonia Mabrouk.

She adds: “We make the mistake of believing that with one level, the horizontal, we will give easier access to the sacred. I think it’s exactly the opposite: it is verticality that allows this connection, this reconnection to the sacred. I don’t want to name anyone responsible for this, but it seems to me that Pope Francis, all the same, has his part in it: the pope cannot be a walking NGO, and that is sometimes the case.”

“We sometimes have the impression, listening to it, of seeing a television set where all the societal subjects parade. I’m not saying that it’s not his role to bring up certain subjects, but his speech is sometimes so desacralized, in connection with total timeliness and immediacy, that it doesn’t correspond to what is expected of him. In any case, I who am of Muslim culture and religion, I do not expect that from the Pope.”

We are far from the Abu Dhabi interreligious declaration of February 4, 2019, “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” co-signed by Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar.

The Councilors want to win the good graces of the modern, multicultural, and multi-religious world, by desacralizing the Catholic rite. They only succeed in discrediting themselves ever more in the eyes of those to whom they should be bringing the Gospel message.

The following is a reflection by Fr. Alain Lorans, FSSPX.

For several months, in Rome, it has been rumored that after Traditionis custodes and the rescript of February 21, 2023, the celebration of the Traditional Mass would be even more severely restricted. For the moment nothing has been published, and it is not sure that a text will appear any time soon.