Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Avoid temptations of ‘bleak defeatism’ and ‘worldly conformism,’ Pope tells Hungary’s clergy, religious (Vatican Press Office)

In an address to Hungarian bishops, priests, deacons, seminarians, religious, and pastoral workers, Pope Francis warned against two temptations: a “bleak reading of the present time, fueled by the defeatism of those who insist that all is lost” and “a comfortable conformism that would have us think that everything is basically fine, the world has changed and we must simply adapt without thinking critically about it. This is bad.”

“So, to combat a bleak defeatism and a worldly conformism, the Gospel gives us new eyes to see. It gives us the grace of discernment, to enable us to approach our own time with openness, but also with a spirit of prophecy. In a word, a receptivity open to prophecy,” he said.