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Sen. Cruz Calls on FBI to Uncover Supreme Court Leak

Washington ( – Republican Senator Ted Cruz suggested on Sunday that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should investigate the individual or individuals responsible for leaking a Supreme Court draft opinion that signaled the overturn of Roe v. Wade.

According to a report released by the Supreme Court in January, the US Marshals Service’s eight-month investigation was unable to identify the perpetrator responsible for the leak. The draft opinion in question was written by Justice Samuel Alito.

Given the Marshals Service’s failure to uncover the responsible party, Sen. Cruz stated in an interview with Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that “I believe the Chief Justice should call in the FBI to assist with the investigation.”

Given the severity of the Dobbs leak, the Chief Justice should invite the FBI to work cooperatively with the Marshals to find out who leaked the draft Supreme Court opinion.

The individual who leaked the draft opinion should be prosecuted!

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) April 30, 2023

According to Cruz, the leak was “an assault on the rule of law,” and “one of the greatest violations of the trust of the integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States.” 

A year ago, Politico published the leaked draft opinion in the article “Read Justice Alito’s initial draft abortion opinion which would overturn Roe v. Wade.”

Abortion activists responded with daily protests outside the high court and at conservative justices’ homes. The leak also led to an assassination attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh. A California man was arrested outside Kavanaugh’s home in Maryland and charged with attempted murder. 

Nicholas John Roske, the 26-year-old man who planned to kill Kavanaugh, told police that he was angry about the leaked draft opinion and potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. He also told police he was upset about the Uvalde shooting. 

I believe the Chief Justice should call in the FBI to assist with the investigation.

On June 24, not even two months after the draft opinion was leaked and just about two weeks after the assassination attempt, Roe v. Wade was overturned

The court’s 6–3 ruling, which ended the constitutional “right” to abortion in America, has saved tens of thousands of preborn babies’ lives. For example, two months later, the number of legal abortions in the United States fell by 6%, and six months later, there have been 32,000 fewer legal abortions.


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News Report: The Dobbs Ruling

The Atlantic responded by publishing “We Are Not Prepared for the Coming Surge of Babies.” The author, Melissa Jeltsen, laments the reality that more babies are being born rather than being slaughtered in the womb.

“Although the existence of these children is the goal of the anti-abortion movement, America is unprepared to adequately care for them and the people who give birth to them,” she claimed.

On Friday, Justice Alito told the Wall Street Journal that he suspected the motivation behind leaking the draft was to prevent the overturning of Roe v. Wade. It was, in his words, “a part of the campaign to try and intimidate the court.”

The leak was ‘an assault on the rule of law.’

But that quote was not the one that captured headlines a couple days ago. Rather, it was Alito’s revelation that he might know who leaked his draft opinion last year.

“I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody,” Alito cautioned.

This is what sparked Sen. Cruz to call on the FBI to further investigate the case. 

Some conservatives, however, believe it would be a waste of time. Retired sheriff and media personality David Clarke tweeted in response to Cruz’s suggestion, “The Famous But Incompetent FBI? Seriously? … These are the last people I would call to investigate anything.”

The Famous But Incompetent FBI? Seriously? These clowns didn’t know that the Chinese Communist Party had police stations operating inside the US. They hid Hunter Biden’s laptop story. These are the last people I would call to investigate anything.

— David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) April 30, 2023

The leak, which was, as Cruz put it, an “assault on the rule of law,” is still an open case, and the responsible party remains unknown.

— Campaign 31877 —