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Adolescents Are Mocking God With ‘Holy Spirit Board’ Parody

DETROIT ( – A group of adolescents is mocking Christianity with a Ouija-board-like spoof they call “The Holy Spirit Board.”

“The Holy Spirit Board”

The so-called Holy Spirit Board, which is available on Amazon for $29.95, comes with the subtitle “Christian religious talking board for séance with planchette.”

The kids, who launched an apparently fake company called “Holy Spirit Games,” have a YouTube channel with only three videos, all of which are derisive advertisements for the mock game.

The first video published nine months ago features an adolescent dressed as Jesus. He licks the board, makes crude references and concludes by pouring a bottle of water into a glass, which is altered in video editing to become wine.

The makers of the mock game satirically claim the board offers a direct line to Our Lord.

Playing With Fire

Under the “about this item” section on Amazon, the game makers teasingly write, “Unlike other spirit boards, this one will NEVER contact evil ghosts or demons, so you can ask your questions with an assured sense of safety.”

Fr. Carlos Martins

But regardless of what these scoffing juveniles think, exorcists warn that playing with such a board is in fact spiritually dangerous. 

“Unsuspecting and undiscerning, perhaps good-willed folks who desire to do God’s will, may be duped by its name [Holy Spirit Board] to use such a tool, believing it is a legitimate manner of praying,” Fr. Carlos Martins, an exorcist and consultant to the Nefarious film team, told Church Militant. 

“While many will laugh at such gullibility and ignorance, one should keep in mind that the faith of hundreds of millions is simple because of the impoverished catechesis they have received,” he added.

“The reality is that many folks need to be protected from the wolves that would devour them, as Pope Benedict XVI reminded us,” continued Fr. Martins. “He defined his role while serving as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith as that of a sheepdog who does just that.”

Testimony from Fr. Ernesto Maria Caro, a Mexican priest and exorcist, corroborates Fr. Martin’s assessment.

The so-called Holy Spirit Board is ‘not a game; it’s a trap from the devil.’

Father Caro explained the so-called Holy Spirit Board is “not a game; it’s a trap from the devil.”

“The Devil is always looking for different ways that he can trap all the victims that he can,” he told EWTN News Nightly last month.

Father Caro also clarified that individuals of goodwill can be duped by this mock game. 

Mixed Amazon Reviews

The mock “Christian” Ouija Board has received mixed reviews on Amazon. Though it seems there are definitely some reviews by individuals who have been duped, the majority of the 43 reviews are either from fellow mockers or actual Christians. 

One mocker, Ryley Mander from Australia, wrote, “Jesus was very informative [and] gave me all the big answers, but I forgot to say goodbye [to] Jesus, and I think Christ is haunting me now.”

Another mocker, Thomas Goss from the United States, wrote, “I was foolishly thinking for myself and trying to understand the world with my misguided logic, ignorant to the greater purpose of Jesus.” He added, “The Holy Spirit Board has shown me not to rely on my own knowledge, but to trust in the words of the Lord!” Gross concluded with a blasphemous, crude sexual reference. 

A believer, D. Beintez from the United States, warned, “All you will do is invite demons pretending to be ‘angels’ or ‘Jesus’ into your life.”


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News Report: Gen Z Testing the Occult

“Demons are getting bolder and finding new ways to get through to you to confuse and create doubt in your life,” she added.

Another Amazon customer from the United States wrote, “This is extremely twisted! The fact that it even exist[s] is [beyond] anything I’ve ever seen in my life. Pray for this world and those [who] would create and/or purchase this!”

Whether the adolescent inventors of the board are motivated by sinister intent or egomaniacal ignorance is irrelevant, according to the testimony of exorcists — and people should be warned to stay far away.

Objects like the Holy Spirit Board are nothing but a conduit of evil.

“Under-catechized Christians may not be able to give a finely tuned theological definition, but they are loved by God and are worth the Body of Christ,” explained Fr. Martins.

“They are worthy of assistance and aid from the rest of us,” he added. “They need to know that such objects like the Holy Spirit Board are nothing but a conduit of evil.”

— Campaign 31877 —