Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Work to change laws and hearts, bishops’ pro-life chairman writes in Dobbs anniversary message (USCCB)

“We have much to celebrate,” Bishop Michael Burbidge of Arlington (VA), the US bishops’ pro-life chairman, said in a message for the upcoming anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. “By the grace of God, the nearly fifty-year reign of national abortion on demand has been put to an end. Roe v. Wade—a seemingly insurmountable blight on our nation—is no more!”

“Over the past year, while some states have acted to protect preborn children, others have tragically moved to enshrine abortion in law—enacting extreme abortion policies that leave children vulnerable to abortion, even until the moment of birth,” he continued. “The work that lies ahead continues to be not just changing laws but also helping to change hearts, with steadfast faith in the power of God to do so.”