Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Kamala Harris Speaks of God While Promoting Abortion

This week, Teen Vogue published an interview Ms. Harris had with Planned Parenthood abortionist Colleen McNicholas about efforts to make unrestricted abortion legal again in all 50 states.

As the anniversary of the Dobbs vs. Jackson ruling approaches, the Vice President has invoked God’s name to affirm that legalizing abortion on demand is a just and moral cause. “It’s a shame that in this year 2023 of our Lord, people are trying to turn back,” she said.

“It makes a lot of people reconsider the fact that we need to be vigilant and understand all the ramifications of this issue and have a federal law that protects reproductive care in all 50 states.”

Dubbed the Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act by pro-life leaders, the Women’s Health Protection Act would require states to legalize abortions for any reason up to birth. It should be remembered that this is an objective explicitly formulated by the WHO.

It would also end the ban on sex selection, as well as the ban on taxpayer funding of abortion, and would jeopardize laws requiring parental consent for minors, informed consent, and conscience protections for pro-life health professionals

Ms. McNicholas, who joined Harris for the interview, has been open about her radical pro-abortion views for years. In 2019, she told the AP that “any reason to abort is a valid reason,” including gender selection and the baby having Downs Syndrome.

She complained that some states now have laws that jail abortionists for killing unborn babies in such cases. Currently, 15 states protect unborn children by banning all or most abortions, and others are fighting in court to do the same.

It’s hard to imagine anyone can be proud to champion the goal of legalizing the killing of babies in their mothers’ wombs for any reason, right up until birth. Yet this is what Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, does. She also allows herself to mention God in her speech.