Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Archbishop Gomez to celebrate Sacred Heart Mass ahead of Dodgers event

Archbishop José H. Gomez has invited all Los Angeles Catholics to join him for a special celebration of the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, June 16.

The Archbishop will celebrate the 12:10 Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels to mark the beginning of a day of prayer in light of the decision by the Los Angeles Dodgers to honor a group that mocks Catholic religious sisters and stages lewd and profane performances aimed at ridiculing Jesus and the Catholic Mass, among other provocations.

“Please join me! And please share this invitation with your friends and loved ones and neighbors,” Archbishop Gomez said in a message posted on his social media channels. “We will be praying in a special way for our city and our country, for an end to prejudice, and for renewed respect for the religious beliefs of all Angelenos and all Americans.”

The Dodgers’ decision to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence with its Community Service Award at its annual Pride Night celebration at Dodger Stadium has sparked nationwide protests against the organization.

Archbishop Gomez, along with the leaders of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, have invited Catholics to pray the traditional Litany of the Sacred Heart on Friday for “reparation for the blasphemies against our Lord we see in our culture today.” 

In addition to the demonstrations organized by Catholic Vote and others, Catholics in parishes across the Archdiocese are planning holy hours and other events of prayer on Friday night. Local parishes have also been encouraged to include special petitions in the Prayer of the Faithful at daily and Sunday Masses.

The California-based Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, founded in 1979, are known for organizing events such as drag displays and LGBTQ-themed comedy shows that routinely mix sexual references with observances sacred to Catholics, including the holy Eucharist and the Stations of the Cross. Their motto, displayed on their website and in marketing materials, is “Go forth and sin some more!”

I will be offering a special Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels at 12:10 on Friday. I invite all of you to join me.

— Abp. José H. Gomez (@ArchbishopGomez) June 13, 2023

Please join me! And please share this invitation with your friends and loved ones and neighbors.

Let us give glory to God and ask him to give us hearts to love him and to serve him, and to proclaim his beautiful plan for every man and every woman! #sacredheartsacredtruth

— Abp. José H. Gomez (@ArchbishopGomez) June 13, 2023

The post Archbishop Gomez to celebrate Sacred Heart Mass ahead of Dodgers event first appeared on Angelus News.