Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Be mindful of the poor, ready to act, Pope urges (Vatican Press Office)

In his statement for the 7th World Day of the Poor, which will be observed on November 19, Pope Francis writes: “We are living in times that are not particularly sensitive to the needs of the poor.”

“The poor become a film clip that can affect us for a moment, yet when we encounter them in flesh and blood on our streets, we are annoyed and look the other way,” the Pope writes.

While “there is a need to urge and even pressure public institutions to perform their duties” toward the poor, the Pope emphasizes that “it is of no use to wait passively” for government action. He exhorts all believers to be mindful of those who are poor, and ready to help.

“May our concern for the poor always be marked by Gospel realism,” the Pontiff adds. “Our sharing should meet the concrete needs of the other, rather than being just a means of ridding ourselves of superfluous goods.”