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Four German bishops block funding for synodal council (CNA)

Four German bishops have blocked funding for the synodal council that was approved by the German episcopal conference despite Vatican disapproval.

The synodal council, a group composed of bishops and lay representatives, was conceived by the German bishops’ Synodal Path as a policy-making body for the national Church. But the Vatican had cautioned that such a group cannot interfere with the governing authority of bishops in their own dioceses.

While the German episcopal conference had approved the creation of the councils, the rules of the conference require unanimous approval for financial expenditures. The four dissenting bishops—Cardinal Rainier Woelki of Cologne and Bishops Gregor Hanke of Eichstätt, Stefan Oster of Passau, and Rudolph Voderholzer of Regensburg—effectively blocked funding.

The dissenting bishops explained that the establishment of a synodal council “is against the clear instruction of the Pope.” They warned that by going forward despite Vatican opposition “we would set up another body whose competences are anything but clear — only to find out in the end that we cannot do it in this way.”

Nevertheless the leadership of the German bishops’ conference promised to find alternative funding for the project, and announced: “The first meeting of the synodal council will take place as planned on November 10-11, 2023.”