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Papal almoner makes 6th humanitarian mission to Ukraine (Vatican News)

Pope Francis has sent Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the prefect of the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, on his sixth humanitarian mission to Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022.

Following stops in Odessa, Drohobyc, and Mikolajów, Cardinal Krajewski visited Kherson, where a major dam was destroyed earlier this month, and which remains under attack. The cardinal drove a truck with 100,000 packets of South Korean freeze-dried soup, along with medicine from Gemelli hospital in Rome. He prayed the Rosary with the faithful, met with the Latin-rite parish priest, and was scheduled to meet with Ukrainian Greek Catholic monks.

The prelate said that he sought to offer “consolation and the embrace of the Pope, conveying the message that he thinks of them, and that not a day passes in which he fails to pray for Ukraine and those who suffer.”