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Court, Police Dismiss Cases Against Texas Bishop

FORT WORTH, Texas ( – A Texas court and a local police department have separately dismissed cases brought against the bishop of Fort Worth.

On Thursday, Arlington Police Department investigator Katie Beane confirmed in an email that the criminal investigation against Bp. Michael Olson has been closed as “unfounded.”

“I will not need to interview Mr. Olson as a part of my investigation,” writes Bean to diocesan spokesman James Suter, “and have closed the case out as unfounded.”

Email from Arlington Police Department investigator

The criminal complaint had initially been filed by attorney Matthew Bobo, who represents the nuns at the Carmelite Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity in Arlington. 

Immediately after the criminal complaint was filed, diocesan spokesman Pat Svacina issued a statement on June 8 blasting Bobo: “The mere fact that Attorney Bobo initiated and made a report to the Arlington Police Department was not unexpected given the aggressive manner he has litigated this ecclesiastical dispute in the press.” 

Nuns’ Lawsuit Dismissed

One day after the police closed its case against Olson, Judge Don Cosby of Tarrant County Court in the 67th Judicial District dismissed the civil lawsuit against him, finding that the court lacks jurisdiction:

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Plaintiffs Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Inc. d/b/a Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity, Reverend Mother Superior Teresa Agnes Gerlach and Sister Francis Therese’s claims, including all claims contained in Plaintiffs’ Fourth Amended Petition, are hereby DISMISSED for want of subject-matter jurisdiction.

The nuns filed the $1 million lawsuit after he imposed restrictions on the prioress, Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach, and confiscated her cell phone and computer on April 24. The nuns also accused him of bullying, terrorizing and “traumatizing” the nuns at that meeting. Gerlach denied allegations by the bishop that she had violated the Sixth Commandment with a priest outside the diocese.


Church Militant obtained the audio recording of that meeting, which had originally been played in court on June 27. The contents contradict the nuns’ claims. Olson was softspoken and gentle in his demeanor throughout, exhibiting no signs of “traumatizing” behavior. Gerlach also admits in the recording several times that she had broken the Sixth Commandment, naming Fr. Bernard Marie as the priest

A statement from the Raleigh, NC diocese reveals that Fr. Bernard Marie was the religious name of Fr. Philip Johnson, a priest of the diocese.

In the audio, Gerlach admits there were in-person relations, but minutes later backtracks and claims it was “all over the phone.”

“That’s something you’ve changed the story on,” said Olson. “We have a hard time with the truth.”

Gerlach does not appear to grasp the gravity of her offense in the meeting, appearing surprised that she is being put on administrative leave and is no longer prioress during this time.

She and her caretaker, Sr. Francis Therese, however, accept the restrictions with docility, with Sr. Francis acknowledging, “I know that you have to do this as bishop of our diocese.”

“Mother, what did you just do with your phone when I was talking there?” the bishop asks when he sees Gerlach handling her phone.

She claims she was looking at texts that had come in regarding mundane matters (e.g., a job post, getting toilet paper for the refectory).

“Ok. You didn’t delete anything?” he asks. She responds in the negative. 

“Um, sorry, I’m shaking so badly,” Gerlach says.

While critics have accused Olson of overstepping his authority by dismissing Gerlach from her religious order, in the audio recording Olson merely places her on administrative leave while the investigation is ongoing. He places certain restrictions on her, including no phone use without first obtaining permission from the subprioress, as well as no computer use or trips outside the monastery without a chaperone. 

Photo of illegal drugs allegedly taken from within the Carmelite monastery.

Arlington Police confirmed with Church Militant this remains an active investigation.

He cautions her not to subvert the authority of the new administrator or to act in any way that could bring scandal.

“In accord with canons 1347, par. 1, and 1371, if even one incident or external action violating the restrictions is enumerated above,” the bishop warns, “I will immediately initiate a formal canonical process for the determination of the truth of the matter and, if necessary, the imposition of just penalties.”

It was only after the prioress filed a lawsuit against the bishop — a complaint that, in light of the audio recording, was filled with inaccuracies and falsehoods about the bishop’s conduct during their meeting (falsehoods that were repeated by multiple media outlets) — and after evidence of possible criminal activity involving drugs within the cloister — that the bishop began formal proceedings to dismiss Gerlach, which he did on June 1, after the Vatican authorized him to act.


Meanwhile, the investigation by Arlington Police into drug allegations at the Carmelite Monastery of the Most Holy Trinity remains ongoing.

Photos taken by insiders reveal a room allegedly inside the monastery littered with drug paraphernalia.

Three insiders, vetted by local ABC affiliate WFAA, claimed Gerlach is addicted to prescription medication and is also smoking marijuana, which is illegal in Texas.

“Yeah, we have knowledge that she has traveled out of state to get illegal drugs and brought them back to the monastery,” said one informant

The nuns are claiming the photos were “staged.” 

A close-up of a package in the photo, however, reveals the address of the monastery, and the brick wall is the same as that featured in a photo of Gerlach.